Look at Star Wars: Virtual bodies fixing products and performing medical operations on Star Wars: AWS conversation characters next robot actions:

Look at Star Wars...

Virtual bodies holding conversations during travel on Star Wars.

Virtual bodies fixing products and performing medical operations on Star Wars.

What to do with your spare time?

Exploring locally, county wide, country wide.

Space Travel being a mix of viewing and landing on planets.

How do we know we can adjust to Space Travel...

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Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash

Augmented Reality (AR) is a term you’ve probably heard bandied about by the media, business leaders and bonafide nerds. It sounds really complex. Highly technical. Futuristic. Does it really have a role in training?

Before we delve deeper into the role of AR in training, and the benefits of using it in your training programmes, it’s important to understand exactly what it is.

Not to be confused with its older sibling Virtual Reality (VR) and younger sibling Mixed Reality (MR), Augmented Reality is an interactive, reality-based display environment that uses computer-generated visuals, text, sound and effects to enhance a user’s real-world experience.

By combining computer-generated imagery and scenes, AR has the ability to provide a more unified and enhanced view of the world (a.k.a ‘reality’).

It definitely still sounds a bit futuristic, and slightly-if-not-highly technical. But, if you re-read that definition and let it sink in for a moment, you’ll already begin to envisage, and get a feel for, how AR can play a pivotal role in training.

Get Real

Virtual Reality (VR) is probably a technology or term that you’re more familiar with. It’s been around since the mid-1980s, and was once hailed as the future of things like film and gaming. But it hasn’t really lived up to the hype.

Whereas AR uses the real, physical world and adds to it (or ‘augments’ it), VR is a digital environment that completely shuts out the real world. It’s a complete immersion experience. Ironically, VR is an escape from reality.

You might have seen some examples online before, played a VR game, or been on a VR attraction at a themepark. Like the classic VR rollercoaster, where you put Star Wars-esque head and eye gear on and are taken on fake-real ride of a lifetime.

Mixed Reality (MR) combines elements of both Augmented and Virtual Reality, seamlessly integrating digital objects into the real world to make them look as if they’re really there: a hyper-realistic experience.

Why Augmented Reality?

At this point, it might be difficult to envisage what advantages of using AR might be, beyond super-realistic rollercoaster experiences. Or, more specifically, what the business advantages of AR might be.

But, when you consider the fact that businesses globally are now largely or entirely digitally-driven, and significantly or utterly reliant on technology, the business case for AR starts to become a bit clearer.

The global growth of investment in AR would certainly indicate that business leaders can tap into, and already are, a multitude of benefits.

In 2014, the AR market was worth a healthy-but-far-from-sensational $247 million (£197 million), according to Juniper Research. The market forecast for the end of this year? $2.4 billion (£1.9 billion) – an 817% increase in just five years.

Driving this impressive investment growth is no doubt the plethora of ‘pros’ that come with adopting AR technology, such as:

● Enhanced customer engagement and user experience

● Next-level interaction with customers and other external stakeholders, due to the increased level of involvement AR requires

● Highly personalised experiences and content

● Increase conversion rates and sales by breaking down barriers to purchase (Arno Sousa, a General Manager from Veeva Systems, has observed that early adopters in the life sciences industry, are using AR to explain complex medical concepts, treatments and products to customers).

● The greater degree of interactivity leads to better customer retention

● Improving the effectiveness of employee training initiatives.

As the title of this blog suggests, we’re particularly interested in exploring that last bullet point in more detail, and the role of AR in training.

Using AR in Training

You’d be forgiven for associating corporate training with more traditional training approaches and formats like Face-to-Face (F2F) and eLearning, rather than one of the most advanced technologies on the planet.

The reality is, though, that these training approaches and formats will continue to be the main foundations for training programmes. As its name suggests, Augmented Reality will simply enable trainers and teachers to build on – to augment – these foundations, enhancing the training experience and thus the programme’s effectiveness.

AR provides a unique proposition for both trainers and trainees: the ability to undergo immersive, real-life simulations before they’re faced with real-life situations. A ‘live’ experience… that isn’t properly live.

Similar, somewhat, to the way in which a pilot uses a flight simulator during training. Or, now, how medical students can ‘perform’ surgery without the risk of injuring real patients using AR technology.

But AR isn’t just beneficial for training in industries like aviation, or professions like medicine. Herein lies possibly its biggest benefit: its potential ubiquity in terms of application to different training formats, industries, sectors, and professions.

Other AR training benefits and uses include:

● Trainee Engagement: The fact that AR can inject next-level interaction and involvement can only lead to better engagement which, in turn, should lead to greater effectiveness and positive outcomes.

● Efficiency: Using AR as an aid, trainers can train more efficiently and trainees can learn quicker. A highly efficient training environment for all parties involved, saving both time and money.

● Risk Reduction: Whether it’s flying a Boeing 747, performing surgery, or learning to use a new piece of software, AR reduces the risk of mistakes or oversights because it provides a ‘real-world’ training environment.

● Continuous Improvement: Particularly useful for continuous improvement when AR is used for software and systems. AR can be implemented to guide users through certain processes, by using digital overlays for real-time guidance.

● Flexibility: Although Webinars and eLearning are already highly-flexible training formats, AR hardware can be used for remote training – negating the need for travel or on-site training sessions.

ARe you for real?

eLearning Industry highlights how AR is “quickly becoming an alternative technology for training programs”. When you consider the seemingly endless possibilities it can provide to both trainers and trainees, the notion that its adoption by the Learning & Development industry will rise rapidly in the next few years appears probable. A matter of “when” rather than “if”.

Whilst the future of AR and its role in training still not fully proven and mainstream, one absolute certainty is that the prospect of this type of technology being used in training is exciting.

AR has the potential to fundamentally change the way people teach, learn, and develop – all for the better.







Now you have read the research information feel free to connect on Social Media:









email: ericsutherland@btws.co.uk


Mobile: +44 777 640 3252 

Operations Management with humans, and robots, automated with VR/AR and AI/ML projected characters: The above YouTube video is a good starting point:

The above YouTube video is a good starting point. 

Operations Management with humans,

Operations Management with humans, and robots,

Operations Management automated with VR/AR and AI/ML projected characters.

Lobbyists vs Elected Reps: Lobbying a protected activity under the U.S. Constitution, guarantees rights to free speech, assembly, petition government:

Article introduction video clip.

Executive Summary

“Lobbying is a protected activity under the U.S. Constitution that guarantees rights to free speech, assembly, and petition to government. Lobbying is a regulated industry.”

Senator John F. Kennedy, 1956

Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash


Policy Needs

XXXX continues to evolve the policy needs of its clients in their implementation of Federal and State legislation and any changes to it. Founded in February 2011, XXXX has already received recognition for PERSONALIZED ATTENTION, INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS AND GUIDED EXPERTISE.


Capitol Hill Relationships

XXXX assess the client’s level of involvement on Capitol Hill and identifies how the current and potential actions of the government will relate to their organization. Applying this analysis, XXXX can produce solutions that are both innovative and pioneering for the organisation being represented.


Strategy Formulation

A two-party system requires the compromises that XXXX’s bi-partisan position and creativity on the client’s behalf can address with an entire spectrum of relationships including key influencers. The synergy generates comprehensive strategies for corporate, municipal and entrepreneurial entities with coinciding interests.


Precision Driven Research

Each federal branch works in collaboration to advance the interests of the citizens of the United States. This same philosophy is used to advance the interests of our clients. The XXXX precision driven research is the basis for a truly focused program that aims to fulfil the client’s hard business objectives.


Innovate Solutions

XXXX relate the client’s interest with that philosophy to generate a tailored tactical guide to the legislative/executive process. The results are predictable in part, and in another part, less predictable. Recalibrating the tactical guide when necessary maintains the client’s success level in any subsequent phases.


Clients Priorities

Each federal branch works in collaboration to advance the interests of the citizens of the United States. This same philosophy is used to advance the interests of our clients. We work with government leaders and our client to advance both sets of goals and objectives. Therefore, we view ourselves as a synergistic extension of our clients’ staff and attempt to become fully integrated in their organization. A long-term working relationship is the basis for a measurable-definable strategy.

Representation and advocacy at the Federal level on behalf of XXXX County


XXXX will provide XXXX County with strong representation on Capitol Hill through its team of Government Affairs Professionals. With decades of experience applied to ensure this Representation is effective and covers all the required channels.



Will depict and illustrate through demonstration the right legislation for XXXX County and exemplification when required. Deliver statements, raise complaints, make submissions and arguments for and against changes in policy to enable compliance when applying Governance in the management of XXXX County day-to-day operations.



Take account of these policy changes and what they portray to the citizens in XXXX County, since some policies can be taken two ways through lack of clarity in drafting. Therefore, the description and interpretation will be checked, and points raised for changes to ensure plain language and maximum understanding is the outcome.



XXXX will apply advocacy by supporting and encouraging through backing and sponsorship of changes in legislation that make it cost effective to implement by the administration in XXXX County. This might also require promotion, activism and opposition to new legislation or changes to current legistration that would make it difficult to enforce or not cost effective to implement.


Work with industry bodies (for example, Chamber of commerce) to ensure legislation benefits business and helps employment prospects for those living in XXXX County.  This in turn would hopefully help reduce travel and road congestion.


Capitol Hill Players

Members of Congress and their staffs – XXXX track their politics and if they are left, centre or right of their party. What issues they follow and take an interest in and how they respond to changes requested. Who in their staff will be best to contact and get an idea on their response times against current workload or is it better to go through the committee.


Congressional committees – Members and Chairperson are tracked and their political leaning and outcomes to date that have been positive and negative for XXXX County. This sets the scene for the approach to lobbying and the outcomes sought.   


Executive departments – They need to be covered and relationships established to discover who lobbies them and what the outcomes have been. What is the current head of the department interested in and what are the relationships with Congressional committees and Members of Congress. They control their own department budgets and pass regulations that have undiscovered outcomes until they are implemented and been used.


Private sector parties – Most of these are trade bodies whose members are affected by new or changes to existing legislation. Their interested in compliance at the minimum cost to their members. Regulation that comes from this legislation is State and Federal controlled.


Also, communities in XXXX County will complain to the administration about how regulation is affecting them, and it might be mostly negative or positive and caused by the industry participants. (For example, Waste Water into local rivers causing contamination affecting river beds, plants and fish). This is easy to see and understand, but other times it might be mining work with heavy road traffic causing both congestion and noise.


Tracking and responding to Legislation

Drafting legislative language – XXXX will respond when changes to proposed legislation are required by drafting the changes in the right language. This will account for the interests of people, businesses and XXXX County council staff when implementing the legislation.


Arranging and attending relevant hearings and meetings – By doing this XXXX gets to known, the interests of those in Congress and from their research put their points across that will be accepted at the hearings and meetings.


Also, which staffers are open to changes and how to put the case over and gain their acceptance for the change in the legislation and this will enable them to present and propose the change to their member of Congress to gain their support for the change in legislation. Interpretation along the chain can make it easy or make it hard and may require clarification to obtain agreement.


Collecting and analysing relevant documents – The experience XXXX has gained over decades of doing this comes out in their understanding and what the Legislation outcomes will cause and the messages it gives to its readers. It gives the opportunity to raise questions before the Legislation is passed into Law and refer to other legislation that might be affected or made irrelevant.


Devising a legislative strategy best suited to the needs of XXXX County

XXXX prepare for this by checking the demographics and types of businesses in XXXX County and the occupations of those living there. This is then mapped to the Acts and pending Legislation known about.

Then an analysis is performed on the effects of the Legislation and given a weighting from 1 to 10. Any in 8 to 10 are examined to see if any changes might reduce costs (for example, getting farmers to buy together or not use pesticides that cause problems to the environment or waterways).


Other steps might be to encourage all households to use rain water tanks and farmers to look at Biomass, since the Chinese Government is encouraging all Farmers to do it.  Another approach might be to change Local Legislation which follows the Federal Legislation but allows wider scope in how it can be implemented.  


This is another part of the XXXX service that will benefit XXXX County be welcome by the businesses and people. Nearly everybody is affected by legislation during their life and businesses generally feel it every year. Trade Agreements being of concern to manufacturers and how their waste is handled and some of it recycled to be used again in new products and/or services.


Again, implementation of the legislation is the key and the transforming it from the Federal level to the Local level to reach a bottom line improvement for businesses and the community supported by the XXXX County Council. This might need changes in legislation to be requested and supported by the language in the drafting by XXXX.

Now you have read my draft feel free to connect on Social Media:









email: ericsutherland@btws.co.uk


Mobile: +44 777 640 3252 

The UK Democracy vs US Lobbyists and Campaign Contributors: Anyone can start a petition as long as they are a British citizen or UK Resident:


The UK Democracy vs US Lobbyists and Campaign Contributors

Image for post

Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash

Create or sign a petition


Start with the UK Parliament Petition information page:


First select “Start an e-petition or sign an existing one”

Displays https://petition.parliament.uk/

Titled: Petitions

UK Government and Parliament

Covid-19 Banner with links to information

205 petitions got a response from the Government

24 petitions were debated in the House of Commons

“Search petitions box” and a link to “View all open petitions”.

Popular petitions (Top three)

End child food poverty - This is to do with children not getting a free school lunch when schools are

closed due to virus restrictions and the parent or parents are at work.

1,183 signatures in the last hour

Hold a public inquiry into Government contracts granted during Covid-19 - Consultants being paid

£700+ per day.

280 signatures in the last hour

Establish free movement & trade agreements with Canada, Australia & New Zealand - Driven by Brexit.

Note the majority in the UK are against US GM food, etc.   

236 signatures in the last hour

Banner: If a petition gets 10,000 signatures, the Government will respond

Short responses with links to the full response. A link to 205 full responses from Government and

another link for those debated in the House of Commons.

Banner: If a petition gets 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament

Topics debated (Top three)

Take action to stop illegal immigration and rapidly remove illegal immigrants - This is to do with bombers

killing people on British soil and most are Muslims.

Make pet theft crime a specific offense with custodial sentences - Women buy them as fashion items, so

they are expensive to buy and have become criminal targets.

Impose sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims - China can easily find other markets

and the UK market is small compared to the US.

Under each of these are links to watch each debate on parliamentlive.tv, read the transcript at

parliament.uk and read the research at parliament.uk (journalist/writer info).

Links to petitions debated in parliament (XX), petitions waiting for a debate (XX), and petitions not

debated in parliament (XX).

Next “Local to you” - Find petitions being signed by people near you, enter your postcode in the Search


This returns the heading:

Popular open petitions in the constituency of Edinburgh South

Link to all popular petitions in Edinburgh South

Your member of parliament is Ian Murray MP (Link to website)

Omit the NHS from any future trade deal with the US - Will stand.

Condemn the US government for the use of force against its citizens

- No UK Government support.

Suspend future sales of tear gas and other crowd control equipment to

the USA - No UK Government support.

Get this data in JSON or CSV format

Start a petition

Anyone can start a petition as long as they are a British citizen or UK Resident

Start a petition (Soft link button)

US Position

Because government policy in the US has been purchased by lobbyists and campaign contributors. Banks and

the government has been rubbing elbows to the detriment of the citizenry since the inception of the country.

And it is the same today. Most politicians in the US are ex-Goldman Sachs Bankers.

Now allow every US Citizen and Resident access to Petition the US Government has never been stronger.

UK Position

Any British Citizen or UK Resident is free to look at the Petition information above and make their views

known by supporting or commenting on any Petition listed. Far more open and Democratic than the US.  

Now you have read my article feel free to connect on Social Media:









email: ericsutherland@btws.co.uk


Mobile: +44 777 640 3252