Eric's Personality Test results

Your test results

Thank you for completing our personality test! Here is a copy of your results:
Personality type: “The Executive” (ESTJ-A)
Individual traits:
Extraverted – 63%, Observant – 69%,
Thinking – 57%, Judging – 67%, Assertive – 74%
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: People Mastery
Link to your profile:

Learn more (and save)!
If you’d like to learn more about the Executive personality type, check out our Executive premium profile and Academy. They offer advice, exercises, and additional tests designed to help you understand and master your personality.

Did you know...
Finally, here are some cool Executive insights from our research. According to our surveys, Executives are the most likely personality type to...
  • known as someone who can get things done
  • ...enjoy directing other people
  • ...have fixed bed and wake up times
  • ...consider themselves patriotic
  • ...enjoy working out
You can find our surveys in Articles & Surveys > Surveys, or by clicking here. Check them out when you have a moment – they are a great way to compare your habits, goals, and attitudes with other Executives.
Until next time!
The 16Personalities Team
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Proofreader: Editor: services:

As your Proofreader and Editor I will ensure your deliverables are polished:

Business and technical documents;

Books, articles and white papers;

Blogs, Podcasts, and Website content in plain English for clarity and good communication.


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Mobile: +44 777 640 3252

Influencer Round-Up:

Dr Mehmet Yildiz started the ILLumination publication on and its taken off with lots of good writers and editors. It represents good content in well structured articles.

Ann Hadley listened to Webinars and read articles and all well structured.
Seth Godwin he has a style of writing that you have to study carefully or you miss it. New book This is Marketing: You can't be seen until you learn to see.

Charles Handy a pragmatic writer about interesting subjects. Age of Unreason: New Thinking for a New World
Adam Smith regarded as the father of economics, now reading "The Wealth of Nations Oxford University" version.

The Viable System Model Interpretations and Applications of Stafford Beer's VSM by Raul Espejo (Editor) and Roger Harnden (Editor).

Rise Superman Decoding Ultimate Performance  by Steven Kotler et al, The Rise of Superman, getting in the flow for the ultimate buzz?? is it worth losing your life.

Side Hustle Nation  Nick Loper, Founder and Owner of sidehustlenation podcast, and other projects.

The Blog of Tim Ferriss, Four Hour Work Week and other projects.

Their thinking from reading their works has been the road to follow...


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Mobile: +44 777 640 3252


Left side = input skills

AI / ML / Data analysis/transformation are Sources for articles, eBooks, resources and courses







Right side = outputs

Publishing Sites for articles, eBooks, resources and courses

Medium (Publications, ILLumination)



Google Blogspot

Other applications - inputs:

Bots customer services

Mobile assistants

Tech used by: FinTech, MedTech, EdTech, AgriTech and AltEng

IAM security


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Mobile: +44 777 640 3252


Objective: To share business and technical knowledge...

Combine research and experience from these platforms:

Writing articles on Medium covering business and technical subjects

Writing resources on TES covering business and technical subjects

Writing eBooks and Paperbacks on Amazon by expanding articles and resources

Producing Audiobooks from Text to Synthesised Voice using Amazon Polly

Research businesses on sidehustlenation

WIP AI / ML and Business projects

Apply my Test Engineer, IT Support Engineer, Process Analyst, Quality Engineer, Technical Writer and Trainer experience to these tasks.

Objective: To share business and technical knowledge...


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Mobile: +44 777 640 3252

Win 10 Apps: Hands on Writing Gig:

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Microsoft System Builder since February 1998.


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