Showing posts with label Influencers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Influencers. Show all posts

Influencer Round-Up:

Dr Mehmet Yildiz started the ILLumination publication on and its taken off with lots of good writers and editors. It represents good content in well structured articles.

Ann Hadley listened to Webinars and read articles and all well structured.
Seth Godwin he has a style of writing that you have to study carefully or you miss it. New book This is Marketing: You can't be seen until you learn to see.

Charles Handy a pragmatic writer about interesting subjects. Age of Unreason: New Thinking for a New World
Adam Smith regarded as the father of economics, now reading "The Wealth of Nations Oxford University" version.

The Viable System Model Interpretations and Applications of Stafford Beer's VSM by Raul Espejo (Editor) and Roger Harnden (Editor).

Rise Superman Decoding Ultimate Performance  by Steven Kotler et al, The Rise of Superman, getting in the flow for the ultimate buzz?? is it worth losing your life.

Side Hustle Nation  Nick Loper, Founder and Owner of sidehustlenation podcast, and other projects.

The Blog of Tim Ferriss, Four Hour Work Week and other projects.

Their thinking from reading their works has been the road to follow...


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