The UK Democracy vs US Lobbyists and Campaign Contributors: Anyone can start a petition as long as they are a British citizen or UK Resident:


The UK Democracy vs US Lobbyists and Campaign Contributors

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Create or sign a petition


Start with the UK Parliament Petition information page:

First select “Start an e-petition or sign an existing one”


Titled: Petitions

UK Government and Parliament

Covid-19 Banner with links to information

205 petitions got a response from the Government

24 petitions were debated in the House of Commons

“Search petitions box” and a link to “View all open petitions”.

Popular petitions (Top three)

End child food poverty - This is to do with children not getting a free school lunch when schools are

closed due to virus restrictions and the parent or parents are at work.

1,183 signatures in the last hour

Hold a public inquiry into Government contracts granted during Covid-19 - Consultants being paid

£700+ per day.

280 signatures in the last hour

Establish free movement & trade agreements with Canada, Australia & New Zealand - Driven by Brexit.

Note the majority in the UK are against US GM food, etc.   

236 signatures in the last hour

Banner: If a petition gets 10,000 signatures, the Government will respond

Short responses with links to the full response. A link to 205 full responses from Government and

another link for those debated in the House of Commons.

Banner: If a petition gets 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament

Topics debated (Top three)

Take action to stop illegal immigration and rapidly remove illegal immigrants - This is to do with bombers

killing people on British soil and most are Muslims.

Make pet theft crime a specific offense with custodial sentences - Women buy them as fashion items, so

they are expensive to buy and have become criminal targets.

Impose sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims - China can easily find other markets

and the UK market is small compared to the US.

Under each of these are links to watch each debate on, read the transcript at and read the research at (journalist/writer info).

Links to petitions debated in parliament (XX), petitions waiting for a debate (XX), and petitions not

debated in parliament (XX).

Next “Local to you” - Find petitions being signed by people near you, enter your postcode in the Search


This returns the heading:

Popular open petitions in the constituency of Edinburgh South

Link to all popular petitions in Edinburgh South

Your member of parliament is Ian Murray MP (Link to website)

Omit the NHS from any future trade deal with the US - Will stand.

Condemn the US government for the use of force against its citizens

- No UK Government support.

Suspend future sales of tear gas and other crowd control equipment to

the USA - No UK Government support.

Get this data in JSON or CSV format

Start a petition

Anyone can start a petition as long as they are a British citizen or UK Resident

Start a petition (Soft link button)

US Position

Because government policy in the US has been purchased by lobbyists and campaign contributors. Banks and

the government has been rubbing elbows to the detriment of the citizenry since the inception of the country.

And it is the same today. Most politicians in the US are ex-Goldman Sachs Bankers.

Now allow every US Citizen and Resident access to Petition the US Government has never been stronger.

UK Position

Any British Citizen or UK Resident is free to look at the Petition information above and make their views

known by supporting or commenting on any Petition listed. Far more open and Democratic than the US.  

Now you have read my article feel free to connect on Social Media:






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